Sustainability Reporting

Sustainability Reporting

To monitor the achievement of our goals, we regularly report on the sustainability of our investment activities and our funds. The latest annual reports are collected below.

Sustainability Report 2023

United Bankers published its 2023 Sustainability Report as part of its Annual Report on 29 February 2024. The reporting framework is based on the sustainability reporting standards defined by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). Read the Sustainability Report »

Prior Sustainability reports

Sustainability Report 2022 »


In forestry, the main drivers of sustainability are the management of commercial forests, water protection and safeguarding forest biodiversity. UB's forest funds want to be at the forefront of responsible forest management.


Responsible Investment Report 2023, UB Timberland Fund (AIF) »

Carbon balance 2024, UB Timberland Fund (AIF) (FI) »

RTS-määräaikaiskatsaus 2023 »



The current important sustainability issues in the real estate sector are energy efficiency and reducing negative climate impacts, as well as sustainability in supply chains.


Responsible Investment Report 2023, UB Nordic Property Fund (AIF) »

RTS-määräaikaiskatsaus 2023 »


Responsible Investment Report 2023, UB Finnish Properties (AIF) in Finnish »

RTS-määräaikaiskatsaus 2023 »


UB monitors how investments contribute to the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The impact of equity and fixed income funds is reported in fund specific ESG quarterly reports. The monitoring takes into account all SDGs, as multi-strategy funds can contribute to several goals at the same time. Reporting and monitoring is based on the ESG data provided by Sustainalytics and Morningstar.


ESG Quarterly Reports and Periodic Disclosures in Finnish

UB Asia Real Estate Equity | ESG-kvartaaliraportti | RTS-määräaikaiskatsaus

UB America | ESG-kvartaaliraportti | RTS-määräaikaiskatsaus

UB EM Infra | ESG-kvartaaliraportti | RTS-määräaikaiskatsaus

UB Europe AI | ESG-kvartaaliraportti | RTS-määräaikaiskatsaus

UB Europe Real Estate Equity | ESG-kvartaaliraportti | RTS-määräaikaiskatsaus

UB Global Real Estate Equity | ESG-kvartaaliraportti | RTS-määräaikaiskatsaus

UB High Yield | ESG-kvartaaliraportti | RTS-määräaikaiskatsaus

UB Finland | ESG-kvartaaliraportti | RTS-määräaikaiskatsaus

UB Infra | ESG-kvartaaliraportti | RTS-määräaikaiskatsaus

UB Fixed Income Plus | ESG-kvartaaliraportti | RTS-määräaikaiskatsaus

UB Short-term Bond | ESG-kvartaaliraportti | RTS-määräaikaiskatsaus

UB Global | ESG-kvartaaliraportti | RTS-määräaikaiskatsaus

UB North America Real Estate Equity | ESG-kvartaaliraportti | RTS-määräaikaiskatsaus

UB Smart | ESG-kvartaaliraportti | RTS-määräaikaiskatsaus

UB Renewable Energy | RTS-määräaikaiskatsaus

Asilo Argo | ESG-kvartaaliraportti | RTS-määräaikaiskatsaus




Fund investments always involve financial risk. The value of the investment made in the fund may increase or decrease and investor may lose part or all of the invested capital. The expected return on the fund may not be achieved. Historical performance cannot be used to reliably predict future returns of the fund. Before making any investment decisions investors shall get acquainted with the funds’ fund prospectuses, key information documents, fund rules and price information that are available at


The matters and information presented in this report are based on sources deemed reliable by the United Bankers Group and on its own assessments. This does not, however, rule out the possibility of error and of the incompleteness of information. The information underlying the conclusions is subject to rapid changes and the United Bankers Group may alter its view without any additional notice. The United Bankers Group or its partners or any of its employees shall not be liable for any damage resulting from the use of the report. Any information obtained through the presentation should not be construed as an offer to buy or sell a financial instrument or any other invitation to invest. In making investment decisions or taking action, the reader should base them on his or her own assessment of the investment and the risks involved. UB's funds are managed by UB Fund Management Ltd. The portfolio management of the funds is outsourced to UB Asset Management Ltd.